Saturday, July 25, 2015

How to: $50 Budget Winter Camping (video)

Figure1. Getting Cold [Photograph] by Kitty Terwolbeck. 2006.

Did you know that you can also camp during the winter time? I’m featuring a vlog on “$50 Budget Winter Camping Challenge” by SurvivingOn TheCheap some camping ideas for winter.

  Winter Camping Part 1

Watch Part 2 here

During winter, camping essentials become different mainly due to the cold temperature. These two guys on were camping on a hunting area during turkey hunting season so they’re also giving a warning to make sure you wear bright clothing for protection. Among the camping essentials they recommend are warmer jackets and extra insulation when sleeping. Most of the items they have like the insulation, flashlights, pans, blanket, first aid kit, charcoal and knife are either from a dollar store or bought secondhand. Being resourceful comes in handy when camping on a budget.

Another important thing about camping during the winter time is warmth - and so fire. The tinder in the area may be wet and so it is a smart camping idea to pack a few sticks of fat wood with you to start the fire or you can source them in the woods where they exist naturally.

Have you tried camping during the winter time with little budget? How was your experience?

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