Sunday, July 19, 2015

What Are Your Favorite Free Camping Activities?

Camping activities are a fun way to spend a summer day. However, some activities can be a bit pricey. That’s why I like to keep myself occupied with fun and free camping ideas:

My number one thing to do while camping is hiking. It’s free. It’s great exercise. And it literally leads me to my next favorite activities; ascending to the local lookout for a scenic view and bird-watching. Those hot summer late afternoons are perfect for taking a dip in the lake. In fact, when I was young one of my favorite camping games was to retrieve things that we have just thrown from the bottom of the lake.
These camping activities area fun and for campers on a budget free!

free camping activities
© Robin, Leighton Moss 2009

Share your fun and free
camping ideas and camping games

What are your favorite things to do while camping?

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